MResult AI

Driving Impactful Solutions using AI.

Data Science Intelligence

Awards & Achievements

  • Synergy Award for Out of the Box PoC Implementation

  • Ranked in Top 4% Wipro's Sustainability Machine Learning Challenge 2022

  • Organized first ever MResult Hackathon 2021

  • Ranked in Top 1% Ugam Sentiment 2.0 hackathon

  • Several Breakthroughs in Heathcare with MResult

  • Filing MResult first Patent Idea for Software Testing

  • Ranked in Top 25% Trident Ode To Code: Predicting Weather Hakathon 2022

  • Deployment Experts using several Cloud Platforms AWS, Dataiku, Azure

  • Ranked in Top 13% Predict accident Hackathon SwissRe 2022

  • MLOPS-One click Development Framework

  • Synergy Award for Out of the Box PoC Implementation

  • Ranked in Top 4% Wipro's Sustainability Machine Learning Challenge 2022

  • Organized first ever MResult Hackathon 2021

  • Ranked in Top 1% Ugam Sentiment 2.0 hackathon

  • Several Breakthroughs in Heathcare with MResult

  • Filing MResult first Patent Idea for Software Testing

  • Ranked in Top 25% Trident Ode To Code: Predicting Weather Hakathon 2022

  • Deployment Experts using several Cloud Platforms AWS, Dataiku, Azure

  • Ranked in Top 13% Predict accident Hackathon SwissRe 2022

  • MLOPS-One click Development Framework

  • Synergy Award for Out of the Box PoC Implementation

  • Ranked in Top 4% Wipro's Sustainability Machine Learning Challenge 2022

  • Organized first ever MResult Hackathon 2021

  • Ranked in Top 1% Ugam Sentiment 2.0 hackathon

  • Several Breakthroughs in Heathcare with MResult

Innovation at the edge of Engineering, Analytics & Artificial Intellegence


We Transform Business By Solving Complex Problems Using Artificial Intellegence

Learning Platform

Comprehensive Lab Environment, Detailed Demos and Tutorials, White Papers etc. help make MResult AI an excellent learning platform for users

Benefit for All

Platform can be used for learning, exploration and experimentation of ML technologies with ease by both technical and non technical users.

Learn New Tools and Technologies

New and popular Tools and technologies are updated frequenty keeping users Up-To-Date with industry.Already includes tools like Spark, Hadoop, Dataiku etc.

Hands-on Experience

Users get a more practical and hands-on experience due to the various demos, recorded workshop sessions and Lab Environment for trying out learned skills.

Talk to the Experts

Learn how MResult can help you

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12 Roosevelt Ave , Mystic CT Phone: (860) 439-0038 | Fax: (860) 540-1223


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