Text Analytics
Contains several NLP application cases for extracting data from text and speech. Many of these features are beneficial and are regularly employed while solving a business problem
Sentiment Prediction
Sentiment analysis is often performed on textual data to help businesses monitor brand and product sentiments from feedback, and understand customer needs.
SemanticText Similarity
Semantic similarity measures the similarity between items based on the likeness of their meaning or semantic content.
Text to Speech
Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud.Text-to-Speech converts text input into audio data of natural human speech.
Sentence Summarizer
Summaryzer is an AI-based tool that helps summarize text articles extracting the most important sentences that provide an overview of the whole context.
PDF - Text Extractor
Analyze the input PDF document,extract the textual data and print the same.
Image - Text Extractor
Analyze the input image, extract the textual contents from the image and print the contents. Supported image formats include png, jpg and jpeg.
Form to Text
Analyze the input PDF Forms,extract the textual data including the checkboxes, and other options
String Matching
Two strings are compared and a similiarity score is calculated. String matching is the process of finding strings that match a given pattern.
NER Generation
Identify named entities in a text and classify them into pre-defined categories.
Audio Analytics
Analyze the input audio file and convert it into text using Artficial Intelligence
Text Clustering
Cluster text to gain an overall understanding of the text input from document
Word Cloud
Generates a wordcloud by setting sizes of words based on the count of occurence in input provided.
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